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How to Preserve Croatian Traditions in a Modern Australian Society?

There is no denying that the origin of the Croatian community dates back to the beautiful region of Croatia, Southeaster Europe. Having said that, it has a rich history influenced by ancient Roman, Slavic and Illyrin cultures. However, the majority of people migrated to other countries, including Australia due to financial and economic hardships and political turmoil.

Australia boasts of multi-cultural societies, making it challenging to preserve all traditions for years. This becomes more difficult for immigrant communities living abroad. For Croatian-Australians community, it is crucial to maintain a strong connection to their heritage while fostering cultural integration in a modern Australian society. This can help pass the traditions and culture to their future generations. Thus, it is important for them to engage with cultural practices and traditions. Here are practical ways to preserve and cherish Croatian culture and heritage while embracing modern living:

1. Encourage Your Kids to Learn Croatian Language

Language is one of the most pivotal aspects to sustain the true essence of your culture in a new country. As responsible guardians and parents, teach your kids and younger generations to learn Croatian language. Always talk to them in your native language to let them stay connected to their roots.

It is also good to enroll kids in Croatian language schools or home-based tuitions. They can also leverage the benefits of digital tools that teach different languages. Speaking Croatian at home keep the language alive within your community.

2. Celebrate the Festivals and Traditions

Croatian festivals like the Feast of St. Blaise or Kolinje (pig slaughter) are traditional festivals that keep their identity unique in Australia. It is good to organise and participate in community events and celebrate the festivities. Also, participate in Australia Day and promote your Croatian flavours, art scene, music and dance, merging two cultures in a beautiful way. Sharing festivals and happiness can boost the understanding and foster relationships.

3. Learn Croatian Dishes and Promote Cuisine

Learning and promoting Croatian food can make a world of difference, even if you are influenced with a modern-style living in Australia. You can learn authentic dishes, like peka, sarma, burek using freshly-grounded spices and local produce. Hosting family dinners and preparing meals for community events can also help you promote the culture. Another great way is to starting an online cooking class and share traditional dishes with Croatian-Australian Community.

4. Promote Croatian Art and Craft Scene

Croatian art is vast and exceptional. This includes intricate lace-making, wood carving and pottery. It is good to encourage the practice and teaching of these crafts helps maintain a tangible connection to heritage. You should also support local artists, buy handmade crafts, or participate in workshops to preserve these traditions.

For example, Croatian-Australians can teach children to make traditional Easter eggs or celebrate Croatian Independence Day with cultural art displays, blending creativity with cultural education.

5. Engage with Croatian-Australian Community

Australian Croatian community centres and organisations offer a vital space for celebrating shared heritage. These groups often organise cultural activities, religious services, and social events that bring people together. You can participate in such groups to build a sense of belonging and strengthens ties to the culture.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the best ways you can adopt to promote your Croatian culture and align it with a modern-age Australian lifestyle.

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